Friday, December 16, 2011

When words won't come....

Wow this has been a rough couple of months. Since the second week in October I have been exhausted and nauseous. It is all for a wonderful blessing of course as Jeremy and I have decided to add to our little family. We realize we are not financially, mentally or spaciously, ready for another child, but really how many people are. I’m betting very few. Sometimes I find myself thinking “what have I gotten into?” and other times I just can’t wait to meet our new little addition. Most feelings are of the latter. I am finally feeling better and want to get back to eating healthy, exercising and writing.

I miss writing. It’s like a very good friend I never call or visit any longer. Since I can remember I would write, I loved it! Every mood, change in weather, visitor….really anything prompted me to write. Ideas flowed so freely I couldn’t get them on paper fast enough. Eventually friends, dates and school work got in the way, soon followed by the responsibilities of a job, husband, house and kids. I rarely make time for my good friend anymore. It comforted me in periods of loneliness, sadness, times of being misunderstood or feeling disconnected. Even in my happiness. Now years past, the ideas don’t produce as easily. I have to work much harder for them now. Maybe I misused my dear friend or took for granted the ease at which my words came forth. How I wish I could tap into mind that was so full of ideas.